Free Writing Resources
Writing Exercises & Prompts
Tons of prompts and games as well as random generators
for plot, characters, first lines, scenarios and more!
Poetry prompts, fantasy prompts, and exercises for kids and
teens, plus writing tips, tools, and other resources.
One prompt for each day to keep you writing every day of the year!
Useful Tools
Phenomenal fantasy map program that offers most of its amazing
features for free, but even the paid version is only $25 per year!
This totally free calendar was created to help keep track of D&D
campaigns, and it's got EVERYTHING. Create and track your
world's months, holidays, events, moons, and even the weather!
Not just for fantasy writers! This is the largest, most comprehensive
site for random name generators in the world! Get ideas for anything
from elves to centaurs to pirates to superpowers to mutant plants
and more! Plus, donations to the site go toward planting trees!
Create family trees to keep track of your characters' relationships!
Literally the best thesaurus on the internet! (You can't change my mind.)
Tips & Advice
Writing for Theater and Film by Carina Jaramillo
Helpful article about writing and formatting scripts and screenplays for different
kinds of stage and screen productions. (Thanks Anna and Anna's mom for sharing!)